Salesperson Information Name: Emaill: Phone: EOD Due Date to Sales Person: Client Information Customer Name: Customer URL: Customer Location: Client Summary/History: What are your goals for a digital campaign? How will you measure success on a digital campaign? Awareness/Impressions/CRMSite Traffic/CTR/eCPCUser Action/Conversion/eCPABudget DeliveryOther What makes up your current advertising mix? enter customer current ad mix In the past, what has worked well? enter what worked well for customer In the past, what has not worked well? enter what did not work well for customer Is there a video (or mobile) strategy?does customer have a video or mobile strategy? What type of conversion tracking does the customer want, or would they like use to recommend the best objectives?conversion tracking needed? What is the target audience? what is the target audience Is GEO targeting requested? is there a GEO target? Please enter the associated Zip Codes Will the campaign use rich media? is there rich media? Will the customer provide the necessary content for their ads?customer providing content? Does customer need any graphic design services to create the ad content?customer need graphic design? Does customer need any video production services to create ad content?customer need video production? How much are you looking to invest in digital next quarter? customer plans to invest in digital next quarter Who are the customer's competitors?who are the customer's competitors What can we help the customer learn more about in the digital space? what can we help customer learn about What is the monthly budget to start? How many months will the campaign last? What is the start date of the campaign? What is the end date of the campaign? What placements will be used for this campaign?SocialYouTubeDSPVideoOther Please specify if Other: other placement requests Please include any additional information or comments :additional comments Which standard size unit will be used? Leaderboard - 728x90Box - 300x250Wide Skyscraper - 160x600Half Page - 300x600Mobile - 320x50 How many display placements will be used? How many video placements will be used? Please enter the choice of size for each display placement: display placement sizes Please enter the choice of size for each video placement: video placement sizes Would you like to use VAST tags? Please enter the customer representative's contact information Representative's Name: Representative's Email: Representative's Phone: All of the information entered will be used to create a final quote for the overall cost of the campaign. Please refer to price lists to add up all the requests entered into this for to generate an estimate for your client. Click This Box Submit ->